
GANs Workshop + Quiz

Date : September 11, 2022
Venue : Offline (Sandipani Seminar Hall)
The Cynaptics club organised a workshop on Generative Adversarial Networks (or GANs, in short) for the student fraternity of IIT Indore, on the 11th of September, 2022. 

The club members who voluntarily organised the event, are: 
Krish Agrawal (210001034,  cse210001034@iiti.ac.in, +91 70244 01110), 
Khushi Sawla (210002045,  ee210002045@iiti.ac.in, +91 89895 42652), 
PV Shekhar (210001051,  cse210001051@iiti.ac.in, +91 93999 08834) and 
Sairaj Loke (210001035, cse210001035@iiti.ac.in, +91 93726 79958).
Club head Ashutosh Nayak (200002014,  ee200002014@iiti.ac.in, +91 91332 66129) and Events team head Atharva Mohite (200003016, me200003016@iiti.ac.in, +91 86240 02583) mentored the organisers and took care of the administrative formalities.

At the end of the workshop, a short quiz was conducted on the topics covered in the workshop, and prizes worth Rs 3,000 were awarded to the top 5 performers. The quiz was conducted on the “Kahoot!” platform.

Organised by:
The Cynaptics Club, IIT Indore

Few Important Moments of The Event